Monday, November 19, 2007

More Kitty Show

Leia Rose was coughing so bad this morning that we didn't allow her to go to school. Give her an hour and she was fine. TOTALLY fine. Go figure. Just a morning clog, I guess. So it was on to "kitty show" and all of the other goings-on that happen in Leia Rose's days at home. : )
After eating a bowl of kitty kibble (Trix) and drinking a bowl of milk (yes, real milk) off the floor *sigh* (for similar pics see November 9 w/o the face paint) mamma kitty retreated to her nesting box to have her kittens.
And here is the mamma kitty surrounded by her new brood! Some of the kittens are drinking milk while others are frolicking all around the mamma. (You'll notice that Leia's mouth is upturned because that's the way she always looks after she says "meow.") : )

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