Friday, November 30, 2007

Potties, Parties, Plus

The past two days were really full of lots of running around and errands (not enough for a real post in themselves), but there was one really fun thing that happened . . .
Annie attempted her first potty on the potty chair today! Look at those chubs! If she did need to go potty, would it even be able to make it through the fat folds? ; ) I brought her over while I made a potty and showed her how to do it while I said, "Potty! That's potty! Mamma's potty! Now can you make a potty?" No success. ; ) Oh well, it was just her first try. Good try, Annie!
Annie was more interested in sitting on a seat that was exactly the right size for her. She had no idea what to do about it! : ) And, yeah, she really had no idea what was going on. Her look very definitely said, "What the heck are YOU doing, Mamma?" But I just thought I would try it because she is such a terror at diaper changes. I thought maybe that meant she might be ready. Nope.
Today Leia Rose attended Daphne's birthday party! Here are the girls at the end playing "eagle." (Leia used the smaller blanket to "hatch" out of.) And I heard a rumor that they played "ponies" earlier. : ) Daphne's Mom said that the only time Leia was NOT happy was when she was told I had returned to collect her. Ha! : ) Luckily, I had the forethought to say, "How about a whole 10 more minutes of play?!? Then I'll give you a five minute warning. Then a one minute warning. Then we go without complaints." Worked like a charm. Yay me!
And, for some reason, Leia Rose became enamoured with this silly little plastic dog from a Burger King Kid's Meal. (Another one of Mamma's not-so-great choices.) She asked me to take this picture, and when I showed it to her she said, "Aw! It really is so cute!!!" But I think she was talking about herself and not the dog. : )
Just another fun tidbit: tonight we watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer for the first time as a family. Annie wasn't too interested, I'll admit. But Leia was, of course. During the course of the show Leia Rose asked, "why is he saying that?" in reference to when Santa sings, "Jingle, Jingle, Jingle. I can hear the sleigh bells ring. I am old Kris Kringle. I'm the king of jingling." I told her that's yet another name for Santa Claus. (Of course, I didn't want to get into the horrible truth of the Protestant Reform Movement wanting to disassociate St. Nicholas with Christmas, so they used the German image of the "Christkindl" (the Christ Child) as the bearer of Christmas and made the 'Kris Kringle' character to simply stand for the materialism of it all. Horrible!)
Yesterday, Leia Rose and I actually got to roller skate together! She did really well after not doing it for so long! I think with practice she could really be great. I enjoy doing this with her. Secretly I love the attention, . . . because she really think's I'm GOOD and then stands there in awe of me. I LOVE IT! SUPERSTAR! ; )
Oh yes, and I guess I should mention that the squirrels are LOVING Leia Rose's squirrel birthday trail, in fact, today the suet bowl was licked clean. But if even one squirrel winds up on our bird feeder, I will NEVER let Leia do that again.

1 comment:

Karin said...

How fun about the roller skating!