Thursday, November 15, 2007

Siler City & Sarah McDowell

Well, this morning was a different kind of whirlwind: an Annie whirlwind. We did lots of activities together. (Lots of the same ol' same ol', that is.) But Annie was like an ADHD kid this morning. She couldn't stay with one thing for more than five seconds (okay, except the peek-a-boo puzzle), . . . and I was like a whirling dervish trying to keep everything basically picked up. Today Annie was back to her I'm-sleeping-in-until-10-and-taking-my-nap-at-2:30 type of schedule today. So interesting! Can't predict this little one. Sure glad she can basically go with the flow. And she's still laying there like a damp rag while I brush her teeth and get her ready for bed, . . . all thanks to Baby Einstein. : )

Finally, I took Annie on a car ride to Siler City to check on Oma's and Papa's land, and to see if their next door neighbor's house is still for sale. It was, . . . and so was the only other house built in their subdivision! Both parties are moving back to their home state. Strange! The good news is that I found a house for sale nearby where the owner is really willing to rent while Mom and Dad wait for their home to be built. Here's what the lot looks like in the fall, girls. You can compare it to what it'll look like next year, . . . with a new home built on it. : )
But the real excitement of Leia's evening was that Mrs. McDowell was coming over!!! Here's Leia Rose watching and waiting on the front window seat, wearing her new barbie nightgown and the pretty Princess Crown that Mrs. McDowell knitted for her. She was so honored that her teacher was coming for a visit! There have been so many times that she has asked to invite them over to the house. I told her that we'd invite them both over at the end of the year together to give them some special presents. (Okay, so tonight was really an excuse for Sarah and I to hang out together, . . . and check out some yarn. She's knitting me some REALLY cool fingerless gloves for our family's future Christmas caroling! And no one's more excited than me!!!)
"She's here!!!!" said Leia Rose as she jumped off the seat and bounded to the door.

Leia Rose was especially excited to let Mrs. McDowell open her (early) Christmas gift (and to let her read a book before bed). Leia helped me pick the gift out. It's a food dehydrator (the same kind as I have). Mrs. McDowell LOVED Leia's dried fruits that I made for school snack so very much that she mentioned an interest in getting into it herself. Leia Rose took the hint and helped me pick this out as her Christmas gift. Why give it now? Well, one has to take advantage of apple season while one can! : )

It was really special to spend this evening with Sarah. What a wonderful person she is, both as Leia's teacher and as my friend. It was really fun getting to know each other better and laughing about so many things, . . . even talking a bit about the vocation of teaching. We talked so much that I forgot to have her show me how to knit! And the yarn she picked out for my gloves is so soft and cuddly!!! . . . now if I can just weasel a jar of her homemade mustard too, . . . : )

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