Sunday, November 4, 2007

Band-Aids & Thumbs

The reason for this pic is the band-aid on Leia's left thumb. Just wanted to save this sweet picture of Leia Rose sleeping, but trying hard at the same time. For some reason, in the last few months, Leia Rose has gotten back into the habit of sucking her thumb. This is only when she is trying to sleep or relaxing (like when she's in the car or watching a favorite TV show). I asked her what day would be good to start the "band-aid method" (which is our way of subconsciously telling her not to suck her thumb that worked really well the first time, . . . or so we thought) and she said "the day after Halloween." We're a bit late, but there wasn't any complaining. It was so cute, as I came to Leia Rose with the band-aid, she said, "Mamma THIS is the thumb that I like to suck" as she held up her left hand. I just smiled sweetly at her and said, "Yes, honey, I know that's the one you like. So, tell me, why do you like that one better?" Leia Rose thought a second and said, "This one just tastes better."
I've actually been trying to ask Leia more questions about why she does things. Like, for example, I've noticed just recently that she no longer needs to look at her name written in her shoes (spelling LE - IA) to get them on the right feet. So today I asked her, "Leia, how do you know which is the right foot?" Leia thought a moment, and then said, very seriously, "Well, when I put a shoe on the wrong foot it feels bigger. Yes. It feels bigger. When I put a shoe on the right foot it feels smaller." So neat to hear these five-year-old descriptions. And actually, today Leia informed me that she could tie a bow, so she wants shoes with ties next! Gosh, I thought that would be our project for next summer! I'll have to test her theory.

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