Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Um, Leia Rose could have definitely gone to school today. It's like the kid never had surgery! : ) I'm so glad she's so resilient! No pain at all! Not one dose of Tylenol! Leia Rose was up to her antics as usual from the moment she woke up.
Here she is as the "Christmas Angel" just like the one in our pop-up book.

And later Leia Rose came up with a really creative "bird game." She used the scarves in the dress-up box to make costumes of different birds. Then I had to guess what they were. See if you can guess too (the answers are at the end):

Answers in order: Cardinal, Penguin, Hummingbird, Peacock

1 comment:

Karin said...

Cute! That was really creative! :)