Sunday, November 18, 2007

Annie's Naptime

Here's what happens at Annie's naptime: First, this is the way Annie shows me that she wants Mamma's Milk. She snuggles right up to me and sucks her thumb. Well, eleven o'clock was a strange time for a nap, but seeing she got up for 7:30 Mass this morning, it didn't surprise me too much.

Then the fun begins! I played with Leia Rose for a long time today. First it was "baby show." And, let me tell you, we went through the entire day with "baby." I even fed Leia baby oatmeal for breakfast, lunch, & dinner! It's so funny to hear her try to communicate without saying words. She almost can't do it. She usually ends up saying something like, "Me go there" or "Me need eat." Funny!
Then we played what quickly became my favorite game: school! I got to be the teacher, . . . and we actually did work!!!!
So, today Leia Rose learned how to make her "S" correctly (instead of looking like a "Z")!
And she also had to read a book herself. It was a book about going to school. (She got excited here about reading the words "wave" and "build.") We also learned about penguins and did a matching puzzle and a maze. What a productive game this is! I've got to explore this one more often!

1 comment:

April said...

That top picture is just the best ever. Your face reminds me of the illustrations in the "I Can Fly" book.
