Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tales from the Work Folder 11/07

I have failed a bit the last few weeks doing the "Tales" segment. So let's make up for it now. And from now on, I'll try to post one like this most every Friday. (What I need to do is put that tape recorder in the car, so I can make sure I remember everything.) One of the neatest things about Artgarden recently is that they put out a "Happenings of the Week" sheet. Here's an interesting tidbit from this weeks sheet: "In the mystery bag was a fish. Only one person guessed it. Not too many wanted to taste it. We also learned about parts of a fish. [Turns out that Leia Rose was brave enough to taste the fish! One of the few! "It was only tuna fish," she said.]
Here's the special turkey Leia Rose presented to me during Parent Visitation today. I especially like how many legs he has! (When I asked her how many legs a turkey really had, she insisted it had four. I told her that it was a bird, so it only had two. She just couldn't believe it. : )
Ah, here is evidence of Leia's favorite work: the "How to Draw Work." Using the books, she drew a fish, a bird, and a horse. Looks a lot like the ones she drew today, don't they? : )

Here's another beauty that was on display in the classroom. At the bottom is says, "This is a girl raptor, and her name is Sophia. The Tyrannosaurus Rex is named Scare."

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