Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Annie's Lovie

Well, Annie Katharine really has a lovie: Cherry Chat Chat. : ) Look at all that love in her eyes. : ) When she's downstairs, she's always going to the doll basket to check if Cherry's there. When she's upstairs, she's wanting to clutch Cherry always above the front shoulders (so much so that the stuffing is getting a bit squished down there). And, most importantly, Cherry Chat Chat is the ONLY animal allowed in Annie's crib. Everyone else winds up on the floor. Even Mary. Even Audrey. Even Lamby. Even Cowie. Even Uh-luh. The neat thing about it is that it's Leia Rose who gave Cherry Chat Chat to Annie, . . . and it was the very first birthday gift she opened. And whenever Cherry is in hand, her nose is always wet, . . . because Annie's always giving her great big wet kisses. : )

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