Thursday, November 1, 2007

Dinosaur Salad

Leia Rose had two activities that she wanted to do today: First, she was excited when I told her that she could have CANDY for snack!!! She wanted to add to it by going out with me to the Tree Clubhouse and eating it, while enjoying the light from our ceramic jack-o-lantern.
Second, she wanted to make "Dinosaur Salad" with me. This consisted of emptying her blue bucket full of gravel from our old driveway into my garden (*sigh*) and filling it with a plethora of natural items: "raspberries" (Dogwood tree seeds), nuts, rocks, leaves, and pine straw. Why "dinosaur" salad? Because we used the dinosaur chompers to pick up every . . . single . . . thing. : )
Annie got to play after she woke up from her nap, and we sang "We Are the Dinosaurs" together courtesy of Laurie Berkner. : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

That's a beautiful picture of Leia at the end :)