Friday, November 9, 2007

Playdate & Kitty Show

This morning we had a playdate with Heidi at her house. (Again, forgot the camera.) It's so exciting to know that Emily is more than 19 weeks pregnant and is going to have another little girl! Annie's really going to have friends around here! Although it usually takes Heidi a few minutes to warm up to Leia, the girls always end up having a blast together, today with Leia Rose asking, "When can I get together with Heidi again?"

It's funny when we have a playdate with one of Leia's friends and Annie tags along. Suddenly, Annie notices that Leia Rose is more interested in playing with her playmate and not Annie. In typical little sister fashion, she tries and tries to participate. They play kitties? Annie wants to play kitties. They make a boat out of big cardboard blocks? Annie wants to get IN that boat made of big cardboard blocks. Annie just continues with a look of hurt confusion when Leia gets frustrated with her little sister's presence. When the girls moved to the privacy of a big table, Annie busied herself with spinning the bottom of the sit-n-spin. Fun! : )

After Leia's Parent-Teacher Conference, Annie had a nap and Leia Rose and I played "Kitty Show" in full attire!!! (Can you tell she was inspired by the kitty cat ears that Heidi let Leia Rose borrow?)

As for Annie today, she literally only had one hour nap today! Yikes! I put her down for a second nap at three, but she never fell asleep, so I let Leia Rose go in there and jump with her in the crib. It's so uplifting to me to have the monitor on listening to my two girls play together while I am making dinner!
When they tired of crib-play, I let them watch a Baby Einstein DVD together, . . . and this is how Annie watched it for the entire show!!! I kept telling Leia Rose to call me as soon as Annie moved. She never moved. (The thumping I heard, . . . which scared me more than once, was Leia Rose jumping off our bed.) Annie was TIRED!!! Still, they managed to have a fun (yet hazardous) "sister bath" actually with Annie trying to "dive" once like Leia and Annie leaning out of the tub trying to reach a squirter dinosaur and slipping out like a greased walrus. : ) You know, Annie's just so big and so calm about bathing that I stopped bathing with her when she turned 12 months (instead of 18 with Leia Rose). I noticed quite quickly that Annie enjoys the whole thing ever so much more with Leia Rose involved. No problem! Mamma doesn't mind taking on the bathing duties of both (especially when Daddy agrees to do the dishes)! The girls now have a sister bath every other night. : ) And finally, we watched Babe as our family movie tonight. Leia Rose loved it!

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