Sunday, November 4, 2007

Reading Together

Although it's certainly not every day, sometimes Leia Rose asks to read books with Annie before bed. That's what we're doing here. The book we're reading is a special version of The Three Little Pigs from when I was a child. They both love it, and so do I. : )
You can always tell when I'm doing the "big bad wolf voice." : ) A few things about these pictures. Leia Rose is wearing her coveted "fairy pajamas" and Annie is wearing her "snuggle sack" to keep her warm because she scoots right out from under her grandma blanket. You can see Annie's collection of favorite books on the left (because they're easy for me to pick from). And tonight, interestingly enough, Annie really felt affronted that Leia Rose was infringing upon her Mamma-time of wash/diaper/pajamas/teeth/books/mamma-milk. Annie doesn't get too much alone time with me, so I guess I can see why. : )

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