Monday, December 3, 2007

Annie After the Fact

Here's the expression/sentiment of the day from our little "Cindy Lou Who, who was no more than two": "Mamma, look at THAT!" She pointed to everything new in the house that appeared when we put up the Christmas decorations, proclaiming exclamations that only she could understand. It was really cute!
And the biggest decoration of all? The tree!

And, ironically, Annie's favorite thing to play with this morning (besides improptu clapping games with Mamma) was the dark-skinned wise man wearing blue. Have NO idea why. : )
Looking at Christmas books by the Christmas Tree: a Christmas tradition.
Later, Annie did a really fun thing while I was making lunch! She made lunch, too! She used the chair as a table and served banana, peas, and mashed potatoes.
Look, Mamma, a cow, . . . and the baby in my mouth, again!!!
Annie did really well using her spoon (with my help) to eat her lunch. Um, but not at dinner. : )
And here's the usual scene around the advent wreath (I'm usually on the corner to the left with my guitar and guitar stand and books and such). Leia's lighting and Annie's playing with the FP Nativity set.


LauraW said...

Great pics! Thanks for the email, too. The decorations look great. What's your secret for keeping your tree fresh???

Karin said...

Something about Annie's face in the high chair pic looks like Leia!