Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Morn Ctd.: Family Favorites

The first family favorite was a Santa gift of popcorn. And I'll tell ya', when Annie got a hold of that butter popcorn, watch out, because she had a huge handful in both hands and was eating it like there was no tomorrow! This was a great gift for the three of them because Leia LOVES the cheese popcorn, Annie LOVES the butter, and Brian LOVES the caramel!
The second family favorite of the day was a (last-minute) Santa gift for Daddy and the girls. It's this little Charlie Brown Christmas ice skating rink with figures. When you press the button and put the figures on the ice, they skate around. Everyone loved this and went back to it multiple times during the day, . . . especially Annie who loved watching the skaters, . . . and then sucking on them. *sigh*

1 comment:

Karin said...

Looks like you had a great day!! :) (and that popcorn looks yummy!! :) )