Monday, December 10, 2007

Multiple Cherry Chat Chats

Ever since Cherry Chat Chat became Annie's true "lovie," I have sought the advice of other parents of "lovie-lovers" on how to prevent "ratty-looking lovies." : ) The general consensus has always been the same: "For goodness sake, get LOTS of them! As many as you can FIND!!!" You see, Laurie's Logan has lots of "Doggies" and Karin's Kevin has lots of "Gankies." Therefore, I've been periodically visiting our local CVS checking the "Preferred Pets" box in the toy aisle. CVS is the only store that carries these kitties, . . . and ironically Leia Rose has one that is much beloved too (Perri Pat Pat, that she received from me after having to have an in-and-out catheter when she was little). Anyway, day after day, week after week our local CVS had any other Preferred Pets, but no Cherry Chat Chat. So today I finally decided that I would call every CVS in the area, . . . and I found one in Durham with THREE Cherry Chat Chats!!! So, after picking Leia Rose up from school, we drove right there!
Surprise, Annie! Three new Cherry Chat Chats!!! . . . Now this was the moment of truth, . . . would Annie accept them as much as her original Cherry, who was already very, very worn? And then suddenly . . .
Cherry Chat Chat!!!
Snuggle success. : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

YAY!!!! :) :) Too cool!!!!!