Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christmas Shopping for Mamma!?!

Can you believe that today the whole family went to Burlington to do some Christmas shopping for no one other than Mamma?!? (By the way, Oma, this is one of those days when we would say, "Would you like to watch the girls for a few hours?")

First, (after ballet class) it was off to Burlington Coat Factory (listening to our Nutcracker CD all the way) to find a leather coat that Mamma has wanted for years:
Leia Rose always has a ball in stores like this, always playing "hide-and-go-seek." Brian always laughs at me for being scared of this game (I'm always afraid I won't be able to find the child), . . . because Leia is usually fairly easy to find. : ) And then it's really a blast to see her reaction when we do "find" her amid the clothes racks.

And here's the fruits of our labor: Mamma's new (and very reasonably priced, I might add) black leather jacket! Can you believe it was the very first one I tried on? The whole process only took me about ten minutes! : ) I think it's the first time in history. But, boy, do I look raggedy after a long day, huh? Ha!
The real reason for my jacket? To compliment my absolutely FABULOUS new fingerless gloves that my friend Sarah (also known as Leia's Mrs. McDowell) knitted! I was so touched by this Christmas gift that I cried when I opened the bag, and then wore them all the way home! And, look, she made them to match my favorite scarf exactly. Why fingerless? Well, as soon as Annie is able, I want to start Christmas Caroling with the family, . . . and how am I going to play guitar in cold weather with regular gloves? It can't be done, I'll tell ya'. Well, now thanks to Sarah, I can!!! Thanks so much Sarah, for a gift that truly touched my heart!
Then it was off to Granddaddy's Antiques to try and find a side-by-side to put where Annie's toy shelf is now (by the back door). This antique place was huge, lots like Great Grandma Betty's trusted co-op. : ) But not one single side-by-side to be had. Leia was kind of interested in this silly plant-stand, though, that looked lots like a chair, . . . and there were lots of butter churns. And I did find a really neat desk for only $230, and I'm still considering it at this moment, but it was truly an antique, . . . and a heavily used one at that. The backing was cracked and one of the pulls on the sides of the desk top was non-existent, and so was the key. Perhaps we'll make a return trip and try to talk them down a bit? Maybe, . . .
BUT we are always on the lookout for really nice, sturdy antique chairs for our dining room. And here is our very first antique chair to begin our eclectic dining room collection! We LOVE this chair. it's very sturdy, high-backed, and most importantly, . . . old! ; ) (And something tells me we just might get another new chair made of antique dixie heart pine for Christmas from Grandma.) : )
The we stopped off at Cracker Barrel for dinner during which I had to pull out all the stops to keep Annie happy . . .
. . . until the special Cracker Barrel green beans came. Annie can't get enough of them! Quite honestly, a trip for our family to Cracker Barrel is like a trip to Bizarro World (remember that episode of Seinfeld?) where Annie can't get enough of green beans and won't touch the biscuits. Ha!
When we got home, I had to record how cute Annie is when she kisses Mary and Jesus in one of her new Nativity books. : )
So sweet! : ) Is this a far cry from my I-won't-have-anything-to-do-with-Jesus Annie from a week ago?!?


Karin said...

How fun!! :) And beautiful coat!!!! But you can't wear it yet, right??? That would be CHEATING!!!! ;) ha! (Ok, I guess I cheated with my earrings too, when Kevin gave them to me early.)

Karin said...

Your dining room chair is very similar to the other set of chairs (that used to match ours! ...but we gave up on our peeling table and replaced it last year). Anyway, the chair is very pretty!