Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Pecans & Popcorn 2007

Today it was Kahlua Pecans. (Or perhaps we should be calling them Shenandoah Pecans, considering I got this really delicious recipe from Laura as part of the Worrel Christmas tradition list! Thanks Laura!) What's funny about this recipe is that no one ever guesses that it's Kahlua that gives the pecans their special flavor. : )

Later, it was a recipe that I made myself: Christmas Jelly Belly Kettle Corn!!! (I created this recipe because I fell in love with the same idea from The Popcorn Factory, . . . and after really thinking about it, I thought I just might be able to make it myself.) Look, Oma!!! We're using our big pot!!!


Karin said...

Wow! You guys have been cooking up a storm! ;)

Anonymous said...

I think you would be GREAT doing a telivision cooking show for kids, Leia! What a pretty little chef you make - and what delicious looking goodies! Annie, was it more fun to make the cookies? or to eat the cookies? I bet I know the answer! Ha! Noelle, I think the girls are going to be spectacular bakers like there Mom! Now for the main course, they need to see me make a raw whole chicken DANCE! HA!