Thursday, December 20, 2007

Annie, Annie, & more Annie

This morning we did some fun puppetry acting out the Christmas Story. Here is Annie kissing baby Jesus.
And here is Annie's typical kneeling/foot-flexing position holding Cherry Chat Chat.
We also took every single musical instrument out of the box and played them all! She got a real kick out of it every single time she blew into any type of whistle.
This is the way Annie looks (at our request) before a spaghetti dinner, . . .
. . . and THIS would be the reason why. : ) The child not only ate her own dinner as well as a second helping, but then she ate the rest of mine, including two of my meatballs!!!
Beginning with Leia's comment a few months ago, we have all started truly believing that Annie will be a tuba player when she gets older. (And even if it's not the tuba specifically, she'll DEFINITELY be playing a brass instrument.) This is a picture of her doing the "buzz" that every brass player does on the mouthpiece. [See the video at the bottom.]
And then I really made Annie laugh when I did my "boomp, boomp, boomp" impression of the tuba. [Again, take a look at the video clip.] For anyone who gets this much joy out of just the impression of the tuba, . . . yep, she's definitely going to play one. : ) This is the picture of the dya, by the way. : )
And there's nothing to help settle your stomach after a huge dinner than wild jumps with Daddy. (It's a wonder that she doesn't get sick, . . . but she never does, . . . not even if it's wild upside-down jumps!)
However, I guess it would be appropriate here to mention a few close calls. The other day, Annie woke up from her nap crying (which is not usual for her), so I ran upstairs to find that her leg and foot were jammed in between the crib and the wall! I don't know HOW she got in that predicament! Secondly, I set Annie on Leia's bed and leaned over to get a bow for Annie out of Leia's drawer, . . . in a split second she went from her tummy to sitting up, . . . right at the edge of the bed and right near the perilous rocking chair. I lunged just in time, . . . but I shuddered to think what might have happened.

1 comment:

Karin said...

Yikes! Glad she was ok!! (in both cases) I just realized -- you're not using the crib tent. Are you saving that for later?