Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas 2

Lots of joy was had by all today as we opened up gifts in honor of Jesus' birthday yet again. : )
And here is Leia Rose's reaction to . . .
. . . her new "Build-A-Saurus"!
Oh Annie was SO ready to have a go at the blown glass grapes ornament Oma gave to her (in commemoration of her favorite play-food love), . . .
. . . but we couldn't let her have the real breakable grapes ornament, so she ended up with her favorite from the play food yet again. : )
And Leia Rose got her own special Barbie Ballerina ornament to hang on the tree forevermore!
And since Annie was so fond of Leia's step stool in the downstairs bathroom, now she has one of her own!!!
Annie got a really great Christmas mousie book that had both pop-ups AND flaps! Happy, happy!!! One of Leia's favorites of the day was a kitty cat ornament that sang "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" in meows!!!
Oma got Leia Rose a special book of age-appropriate knock-knock jokes, . . . Leia Rose laughed at every single one (whether she understood them or not). : )
Santa got the whole family a box of fifty different flavors of Jelly Belly Jelly Beans to try all together. We would give one to each person (after dinner, of course) and then we'd all taste that flavor at the same time. It was so much fun! Here are all of us considering whatever flavor ensued. We let Annie participate too (but not the coffee flavor, or the spicy flavors) by crushing the jelly bean first, so as not to pose a choking hazard. Annie LOVED this game! : )
And after our jelly bean exploration, Annie was a total mess! I mean, she had a blue mouth, a self-made tye-dyed shirt, and half-chewed jelly beans in places where you couldn't even dream, . . . but I was just so glad that she was able to participate with the rest of the family!
And right before I took Annie up for sister bath and bed, I cleaned her up a bit and found a pile of half-chewed jelly belly jelly beans right on top of Annie's own jelly belly, . . . so I kept saying "Jelly belly! Jelly belly" while I did some jiggling of Annie's sweet jelly belly. : )

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