Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Morn Ctd.: Leia's Favorites

Here is Leia's reaction to her stocking! She is so happy because Saint Nicholas heard her prayer at Mass and brought her this little ($1) doll with a blue dress that she saw at a store a few weeks ago. You can also see a Reindeer Webkin.
If you ask Leia Rose to name her favorite gifts this Christmas, she names these two things: "My Tinkerbell costume and Clara." Just like Sarah with Annie, Clara (although named by Leia) was one of my favorite dolls as a child. She came in a cradle with a mattress, blanket, pillow, and baby bottle. And the bottle is very special because when you put it in Clara's mouth and turn it to the right, Clara's eyes open. Turn it to the left, Clara's eyes close. I have yet to see another doll that works this way. By the way, I can't tell you what joy I get out of giving my favorite childhood toys to my girls. (I give one to each, every Christmas.) And funny enough, I feel a certain amount of happiness for the toys themselves because I really like to believe what they say in Rudolph that "a toy is never truly happy until it is loved by a child." And these toys get a special bonus: to be loved by two generations of children!!!
Here is Leia's reaction to the kitty that came in the "Littlest Petshop Hotel," she sticks out her tongue. : )
Here is Leia's reaction to opening . . .
. . . more of her beloved Dino Putty!!! Only Santa could have gotten this gift! (Because Mamma was unable to find it anywhere, . . . in fact, only one place online had even heard of it!) This is one of those really inexpensive, hours-of-fun type of toys for Leia. Play Doh has the same effect on her. : )
Leia is certainly more into fashion at an early age than I was! Because another requested Santa gift this year was a pair of pink crocs.
Here's another favorite that made it on her bed by nightfall: dinosaur sheets!!! These were from two people (because they were from Company Kids and very expensive): Great Grandma Betty and Mrs. Revuelta (my very special friend who was once my Spanish teacher in high school).
Yet another requested Santa gift: Dinosaur slippers. (And these babies are Robeez!)
Here is part of Leia's most requested Santa Claus gift: Calico Critter Furniture (to outfit her 100% bare Calico Critter Townhome). Here is Mamma working with Leia Rose on setting up the first Calico Critter room (the nursery), . . . [We are in the play yard to keep Annie OUT this time, instead of in.]
And here is Daddy taking his turn with the Calico Critter Furniture setup. [But the long story is that I didn't last long at this activity. Quite honestly, I can't remember ever saying this before but, . . . I absolutely HATE this toy! (I was disgusted that Leia asked Santa for this to begin with, . . . how many dollhouses does a child need. Answer: one. We have four. That disgusts me.) The Calico Critters themselves are cute enough, but the house is WAY overpriced, and made of cheap plastic. And the rooms (which you have to outfit separately) in addition to being overpriced as well, have an insane number of teeny tiny accessories. Example: a soap the size of a pin head, a toilet paper roll with holder and pin to hold it in, and a toilet seat cover. I hate them. I just hate them. Oh how I wish that Santa opened these packages and simply included the furniture only, and arranged it in the house for Leia!

And here is Leia's and Brian's reaction to all of the teeny tiny accessories that go to the kitchen. I am unable to put the sound into words, but it goes something like "Oooooaaaaahhh!"

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