Thursday, December 20, 2007

Ponytail Day & Celery

Leia Rose's hair finally got long enough to wear a pseudo-ponytail!!! (She has been asking for this hair style for months now!) And check out her cool Sugar Plum Fairy dress. Her comment about the clothes? "Mamma, why didn't I wear this for the Nutcracker?!?"

Just another funny thing and cute thing Leia Rose said today. We have finished reading A Christmas Carol, and we were watching the George C. Scott version. At the end Scrooge turns to Bob Cratchit at the end and says, "I'm not going to stand for this any longer, so I am going to . . . double your salary!!!!" At this point, Leia Rose turned to me and said, "Why is Scrooge always saying that he's going to double Bob Cratchit's celery? Doesn't he have enough celery?" Such a precious moment! : )

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