Thursday, December 6, 2007

Playing "Frog"

Here's a little tadpole just swimming around the water, unable to reach the (homemade) lillypads yet.
Now that tadpole has grown into a full-grown frog, she can now hop on the lillipads and eat the "flies" (which are actually goldfish that Leia drew flies on with some special food-color markers).
Of course, before any of this, our little frog was just an egg among a group of other eggs. : )

I'm sure this game came about because the class is learning about amphibians this week. In fact, they played "leap frog" today! And just yesterday, Leia Rose brought her own aquatic frog in to visit the class for the day! Everyone loved it, but Mrs. Schnell said that they had a few students they had to watch their every waking move, . . . so they didn't reach in, grab him, "hug him and squeeze him and love him and call him George." Ha! Little do they know that they'll be getting their very own tadpoles after the new year!!!

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