Sunday, December 23, 2007

Revels Holiday Party 2007

What a beautiful spread of Christmas goodies on the Revel's table!!! We really enjoyed catching up with all of our neighborhood friends this evening, . . . and as a result, I let Leia and Annie stay up much too late! : )

Bailey, Leia Rose, and Annie were inseparable this evening, with Bailey making it her goal to get Annie to walk. : ) Bailey was determined that, by her own ingenuity, it was going to happen tonight! : ) Ironically, I don't have a single picture of this. I think it's because I actually thought it might happen! : ) So every time Bailey created a new strategy, I would simply watch with wide eyes. Annie stood up for long periods of time, but no real steps to speak of, . . . just her usual flopping down. : )
Kelly Revels & Kim Roberson here looking on. I found myself thinking lots about my Amish friends in Ohio lots tonight (ha!) because the women of the neighborhood just naturally gathered in the family room area to enjoy the children and talk . . . . . . while the men congregated around the food (where, Brian tells me, they talked about driving, kids, and North Carolina in general). The only difference between the Amish and us tonight was the clothes. : ) (Oh yeah, and I guess we weren't "required" to be separated, it was everyone's natural choice.) Here are Rico Soberano, Eugene Roberson, Brian, and Randy Kaufteil sharing a few laughs together.
Annie, very much in "Mamma Mode" these days, really surprised me tonight by letting Kelly hold her for quite a while!

Lots of fun was had by all tonight, and Kelly mentioned to me about having this be a yearly tradition. I truly hope so! : )

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