Friday, December 14, 2007

More Picnics & "Help"

Another balmy day up here in North Carolina (the very last one, from what I understand), so we had a picnic yet again, this time in our front yard with the company of our bubble-blowing snowman from Oma. For some reason, Leia Rose created a song she sang over and over that went, "Whoa goes the baby on the bub, bub day!" : ) Oh yes, and she shared a fun hand game from school that she used her one fist, and other hand on top, and she said the rhyme went, "Here is the chimney, and here is the lid. Open it up, and Santa pops out!"

What I need to mention this afternoon is the gloriousness of yet another sign that Annie has perfected: the sign for "help." Oh how this cuts down on lots of whining!!! I want to try and post two examples here, the first is when she dropped Cherry Chat Chat by mistake, and the second was when she wanted some juice:

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