Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Signing, Suddenly, & Saying

The coolest Annie-accomplishment of the day was that Annie began to sign "hear," especially when she would hear Great Grandma Staggers' clock chime! : )
The other thing that just happened is that Annie suddenly became spellbound by Elmo's world!!! I wonder if she just "got" it? Annie, traditionally, has been a Baby Einstein girl from the start. And now, she's more wiggly during the Baby Einstein and spellbound during Elmo. (Um, but perhaps this is because I'm only letting her watch Baby Santa of the series, at this time of year. She probably knows it backwards and forwards.)
And you can probably tell from this picture, Cherry Chat Chat goes everywhere now. She often cries when she can't hold him at lunch or during bath. *sigh* And I'm finding that the multiple Cherry thing is great, . . . but I need to reform my strategy to one Cherry a day, perhaps, because she just cries when we leave the one in the crib, . . . and then the other one in the toy bin, . . . and then the other one in the car. And also, today she said, "Airy Chat Chat"!!! : ) She also made a real attempt to say "Teeth," but that's another story. And then there's the "Isss, tree" for "Christmas Tree." : )
Just another funny quirk today. Annie discovered that Leia's "Furr Real" kitty meows and paws when you pet her. Annie couldn't believe this. She kept going back to test it, and every time there was a "meow" or a "purr" or a pawing, Annie would turn around, look at me, and crawl to me and snuggle. So cute! : ) Here's the flip-book of that phenomenon:

1 comment:

Karin said...

How did Cherry Chat Chat get his name? Yes, we only use one Gankie at a time. :) The others are just for back-up when the main one is being washed. And on trips, we take multiple! (but only use one at a time) There have been occasions when he ended up with more than one at a time, and he wanted to keep them all! ;)