Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Pastimes, Pigtails, & Poopies

Annie can often be seen standing at the Leap Frog table (a generous loaner from the Worrels). She loves everything about it, but today she was especially enamored with the large stringed instrument that plays and says "high" and "low."
Later, just for fun, I showed her the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse animatronic figures doing their stuff. She was enthralled. Please note: Annie is wearing the same clothes Leia Rose wore at 2 1/2!!!
I guess this picture proves that Annie really does like Aunt Patsy's creamed spinach.
Here's Annie's second poopie attempt, to no avail. (Annie does like reading while on the potty, though. Takes after me, I guess.) ; )
What she was the most enthralled with about the whole experience is that it was the only seat designed for her height. She could sit down and stand up at will. She LOVED that. I remember sitting on the floor next to Leia in the same way when she was this age, . . . and suddenly feeling saddened by the realization that NOTHING in our world of grownups is designed for young children. All the more reason to send them to Montessori school, I suppose.
Leia Rose and Annie shared the experience of the Advent Calendar today! Leia Rose let Annie open the door and remove the little camel in there. Then it was Leia's job to put it on the calendar itself. What a great big sister!!!
And now for the pastime of "Playing Bugs:"
Here is Leia as a caterpillar, suddenly thrust upon her back, kicking her many legs.
Thanks to a scarf or two, we all became beautiful butterflies, . . . Annie too!
And while I am making dinner every night, this is often the view to my side. Annie standing up and whining, "Mamma, I'm tired and hungry! Please, oh please pay attention to me!"
Today our Dinner Game was called "Happy Chair," which was one of the few dinner games that involves me having to prepare. Everyone had a note taped under their chair, one of which had a "surprise." It was Leia's of course. Her paper read, "POPCORN AND TV" because tonight was Kid Nation night anyway. The trick was, she had to READ the note to get the prize! : ) And she DID!!! (Ironically, the hardest part of the note for her was reading "TV"! Ha! She just didn't understand that saying the two letters in succession could make a word! : ) (One of the great things about Montessori is that they don't teach letter names, only the sounds, . . . perhaps that's what stumped her?)


Karin said...

Wow! That's amazing about the size difference between the girls!

LauraW said...

So glad Annie loves the table :)

Lauren said...

My kid might be crawling earlier than yours but Rachel still doesnt want to train LOL We are going to really push it after Christmas. Good luck.. and yes I have been thinking for a while now that there are a lot of times I think Isabella and Annie look alike! :o)