Saturday, December 1, 2007

Decorating for Christmas

While Leia Rose was at ballet today and Annie was napping, I finished most of the outside decorating, and Annie was the first to see!
I think the girls enjoyed putting up my International Santa Collection the most. Leia Rose was very interested in hearing what people call Santa and how think of Santa in other countries!
They were both really helping! (And Leia was being such a great big sister, yet again!)
We even took some time to have a three-way-kiss under the mistletoe. : )
Leia was excited to open the first door of the advent calendar to find the Star of Bethlehem!
And as Daddy and I did some of the more difficult decorating (and after Leia Rose had mistakenly broken my only hummel figure and my little girl bell), Leia decided she'd make a Christmas ornament: a Christmas tree! It was so wonderful that we laminated it and got it ready to hang on the tree tomorrow. : )
And finally, the girls discovered the Fisher Price Nativity Set, and Leia Rose was so happy to show Annie how everything worked. (What a good big sister!) And Annie, of course, was the most interested in the "button" on the top where the Angel sits, that lights up the star and plays "Away in a Manger."

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