Thursday, December 13, 2007

Shots with Flying Colors!!!

Today Leia Rose had her five-year-old well-check with Dr. Anne Stephens. Leia is 33 pounds and 40 inches tall. Both of those numbers surprised me. I told Dr. Stephens that the only thing I was concerned about was her weight. Well, turns out Leia Rose is in the 29th percentile! No problem!!! As for her height, . . . Disney World here we come!!! And, unfortunately, Dr. Stephens was able to hear Leia Rose's heart murmur again today. : ( I was not pleased about this, considering it hadn't been heard for two full years. *sigh* Dr. Stephens said it wasn't a "worrysome murmur," whatever that means.

But the most important part of this doctors' visit, the part we had been preparing for for more than a year was yet to come: Leia Rose's Kindergarten shots!!! She doesn't look apprehensive at all does she? I was so very proud! Leia Rose knew she was going to have four shots today. We talked and talked about what it would feel like. I asked her questions like, "Would you like two at a time, one in each arm? Or would you like to have four, one at a time?" She chose the latter. I also told her that no matter what happened, I would take her for a special milkshake at Burger King. BUT if she didn't cry, scream, kick, etc. for her shots, she would receive a special present: one room of Calico Critters furniture that she has wanted since her birthday! So whenever we would talk about the day, we would just look at each other and say "Calico Critters!!!" When that brought a smile from her, I was pretty sure we were going to be okay about this. I actually had requested an adult Pertussis shot, myself. So luckily, I got to demonstrate for Leia Rose! Yay! When time came for the actual shots, and Leia Rose lay down in order to relax more (they still do the shots in the legs), that was the only time I could see her eyebrows turn up a bit in apprehension. At that point, I just took her hand and (because we had talked about not squeezing Mamma's hand because it would make her muscles tense up and the shots hurt) I just stroked her hands and arms while I said, "Just relax like we talked about. You're doing great!" There was one particular shot that the nurse said was supposed to be the worst, and Leia actually opened her mouth in a bit of pain on that one, but that was it. Our nurse, Gail, was skeptical at first, but then absolutely couldn't believe Leia's composure. Gail didn't need "backup" so to speak, like she usually does. She just did the shots on Leia herself, with no issues at all. And after this, Gail kept saying, "Leia, you're just the BEST! You should have video taped this so I could show it to other kids here!" I WAS SO VERY PROUD OF MY DAUGHTER!!! Everyone in the doctors office said that they had NEVER seen a child of Leia's age do that well with shots! I think, perhaps, that this is the most proud I have ever been of my sweet Leia Rose. (I guess it's a little bit sad to think that this is what has given me the most pride so far, but if I really analyze it, Leia showed restraint, composure under stress as well as mental relaxation. No wonder I was proud!) What a model Leia Rose can be now for her friends!!!

By the way, would you like to know the secret to Leia's success? (Now, keep in mind that this probably won't work with everyone, . . . and I truly believe it can't work before age 5, but . . .) The secret was to say to her, "I know the trick to making shots not hurt!!! The trick is: relax your whole body (especially your face). When the muscles are relaxed the shot goes in and out without hurting. But if you tense up your muscles and kick and scream, the shot has a harder time going in and can really hurt!" I did all these drills with her where I would say, "When you get a shot will you sqwunch up your face like this and curl your hands into fists?" ["No! I'll make my face be limp like this! Then it won't hurt as much!"] So once she got it in her mind that she could CONTROL the amount of pain she felt, she was determined to perform the "trick." And she would tell anyone who would listen, "I know the trick to getting shots. Shhhh, the trick is: to relax your body!" Worked like a charm!
And here is Leia Rose proudly sporting her two band-aids, each with two shots underneath! Congratulations, Leia Rose! I don't know if you'll remember, but when we got out into the parking lot, I knelt down right to your level, took your face in my hands and said, "I am so proud of you!" not once, not twice, but three different times . . . as I kissed you lightly on the cheek. You were glowing!!!

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