Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Morn Ctd.: Annie's Present Progression

This is the special way in which Leia Rose helped Annie open each one of her gifts. Annie's face is absolutely priceless in every picture. She's just trying so hard to listen, watch, and learn from her sister. Playing is such hard work!

First, Leia would help Annie unwrap by guiding her very gently. Then Annie would watch intensely while Leia Rose figured out the present, in order to help her sister.
Then Leia Rose would put the new item in front of Annie and show her how it works.
Then Annie would try it herself, often with astounding success!

It is the blessing of the bond between sisters that became my absolute favorite Christmas gift this year.

1 comment:

Karin said...

That's awesome!!! :) Sooo sweet!!