Saturday, December 22, 2007

Santa #2 (NC Santa Train)

We had an extra Christmas blessing last night when the Faulkners gave us their tickets to the sold-out Santa Train at the Museum of Life and Science in Durham! Poor Karin, Kevin, and Steve, . . . we hope you are feeling better! Thank you for thinking of us, and for blessing us with this wonderful outing!
Oh, so happy to be on the train to the North Pole!!!
Leia Rose was really happy to see this particular Santa! And she was especially thrilled that he knew what a webkin was and told her that he was making quite a few of them this year!
And from here on out, Leia Rose would insist that THIS was the REAL Santa, which is ironic, because this Santa was all about the show. The "ho, ho, ho," the fake beard, the two-inch span of face showing, the huge belt, the white gloves, the whole bit. : ) Perhaps the magic isn't lost after all? (But I kept telling Brian, "This kid's smart, and it's not going to be too long. Oh well, at least she keeps mentioning wanting to stay up waiting for Santa just like Nicholas in the True Story of Santa Claus book, and I don't think it's because she wants proof, . . . yet."
And little Annie was mostly just enjoying the train ride, but Mamma did tell Santa that Annie wanted a little riding toy for Christmas. : )
And the most exciting thing for Leia Rose was seeing the REAL Rudolph in the woods!!!
While we were waiting at one point, Leia Rose made this really cute Rudolph Christmas ornament for our tree.
We also paused for a few photo-ops.

. . . and some face painting. Leia Rose requested a "Santa," so you can see the result in the next picture.
Here she is sporting her new Santa face paint while making a cool, heart-shaped, cheerios bird-feeder.
And through it all Annie was being an absolute angel bundled up in her snowsuit, unmoving. (Quite honestly, this snowsuit always has the same effect on her. Remember the Christmas parade?)

Long story short, this is the kind of day when I truly felt like I did way too much! But, then again, during one of our drives of the day, I did turn to Brian and say, "Ah, now this is Christmas time: hustle and bustle, family, Santa, malls, cold weather, . . . yes, this finally feels like Christmas!"

1 comment:

Karin said...

Yay!! Glad you had fun! :)