Sunday, December 9, 2007

Jesus Success!

Upon a trip to the bookstore (as well as an online chat with my friend Karin), Annie's I-don't-like-to-read-books-about-Jesus problem was solved!!!

Here's the one I bought at the bookstore, . . .
It has these ingenious little flaps that pull out and color each picture.
Here's the book that my friend, Karin, suggested, . . .
The pop-ups in this one are phenomenal!!! (Yes, it's too wordy, but I'll just insert Pingry's version for Annie.) It also includes a do-it-youself paper Nativity, but we probably won't be using that for a while.

Just a little note about the trip to the bookstore. You'll probably notice that Annie is in my arms (for prolonged periods, anyway) less and less if I am having to stand and/or walk. Annie is REALLY heavy!!! This bookstore trip was an exception, . . . and boy did I wish I had brought the stroller once I got in there. As a result of carrying a very squirmy I-really-want-to-get-down-and-crawl Annie, I found and purchased the first successful book VERY quickly. : ) And, oh yes, why the HECK didn't I bring the umbrella stroller to church as a seat for LEIA when she was this age. It's a godsend. : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Yay!!! :) So glad the books worked!!! :)