Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A Little Bit of Advent Sharing

Trevor and Logan came over today and were very excited to help Leia Rose continue the Advent Calendar today. Each person had a job. Trevor's job was to open the door. Logan's job was to take the magnet/figure out. Leia's job was to put it on the calendar. What was in box number four? A cow! And the exchange that followed between Logan and I was really funny!
"A cow?" I said, "And why would there be a cow?"
"What is this a picture of?"
"A house."
"Not exactly a house. Where was Jesus born? Do you think Jesus was born in a nice house or a hospital?"
"Yes, Jesus was born in a house and a hospital."
"No!" I laughed, "He wasn't born in a hospital! He was born in the stable with all of the animals! He's the son of God, and He Humbled Himself to be born in a stable."

[Which has got me thinking recently. There are quite a few books I've seen now that actually have a PIG near Jesus in the stable. Now that's one thing that I really don't think happened, considering how the Israelites really considered pigs to be unclean (and still do). I'm sure Joseph would have had the presence of mind to at LEAST shoe the pig out of there, if there was one, don't you?]
Now the REAL question is, would Jesus like creamed spinach. Ha! Because that's what the three of us made next. Again, everyone had a job. Leia had to scoop the cream of mushroom soup. Trevor got to pour the parmesan cheese and Logan got to ladle in the spinach.
And everyone had a turn mixing. : )
And then they all tasted it (because even though it wasn't cooked yet, the spinach was, so all was edible).
"Now, everyone who likes it, raise your hand and say 'me'!"
As we were praying and singing around the Avent Wreath tonight, . . . or perhaps I should say while Brian and I were praying and singing while Annie and Leia were singing and playing (with Daddy's belt), it dawned on me that this is exactly the joyous chaos that lights up a home with young children at Christmas time! Thank you Lord for that very joy! ; )


Karin said...

Note: I did not raise my hand. ;) ha!

Karin said...

Great job, Mamma, on giving everyone a task! :)