Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Picnic with Annie + "Neh"

This morning was a whirlwind doctors appointment for Leia's follow-up to surgery. I knew that I pretty much didn't even need to come in, the cut is healing so nicely. Sure enough, the doctor confirmed my suspicion and we were sent back to school lickety-split. Meanwhile, Annie and I wanted to do something fun together today . . . (Ironically, this is the first time I have ever heard of Leia Rose feel jealous, or maybe I should just say sad that she wasn't included, in the following picnic. Heck, how was I going to include her while she was at school? We had another one later in the week so we could let Leia be a part of it.)
Can you believe it is mid-December, and it was in the 80s today?!? Annie and I just HAD to have a picnic together. The one time today when I didn't seem to have my mind on something else.
Annie seemed to be apprehensive about leaving the blanket (was she scared of all the brown leaves?), but she had a blast drumming on the grapes.
As I was folding the laundry, Annie did create a fun in-and-out activity with "Daddy Guy" and "Flowers" (from the peek-a-boo puzzle) inside the laundry basket.
Is it possible that Annie actually likes celery?!? (Or judging from her shiny/cheesy face & empty plate, is it more likely that she loves macaroni and cheese?)
Or is it more astounding that she pointed to and signed "moon."
Here you can see the residual "moon" in her left hand.
Yet another milestone today. Now when Annie does not want to do something, or is upset with you for one reason or another she says, "Neh." Ah, the beginning of "No!" Oh my. More communication!

Mrs. Schnell also told me a wonderful story about Leia Rose in school today. She said that they were singing songs about the holidays, and Leia Rose asked to sing "a song about Jesus, . . . how about 'Away in a Manger'?" I'm so very glad!!! You see, Artgarden (although private) is not a Christian school. Therefore, Mrs. Schnell said, "We've been singing about Hanukkah for seven days now, . . . it's about time we sang one about Jesus!" So they sang it!!! Yay!!! (Who knows what kind of seeds a little thing like that can plant.) : )

[Just a bit further, I have vivid memories of learning about Hanukkah (and other religious holidays) when I was in Montessori school as well, and I feel as if those early memories truly fostered a more global perspective of appreciation that still remains with me, while at the same time strengthening my own Faith. I wish the same thing for my own children.

1 comment:

Karin said...

How fun about the picnic!! We had so much going on this week that we didn't really get to "enjoy" the beautiful weather -- although I still enjoyed it. :) Of course, Kevin did play outside at preschool though. :)