Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas Cookies 2007

This year, in true Leia Rose fashion, . . .
. . . she cut out, baked, and decorated, . . .
Dinosaur Christmas Cookies!!! Thanks, Miss Laurie, for these fabulous cookie cutters!!! (Okay, in reality, Leia Rose lost interest after about seven HUGE cookies, but each one of those seven was a work of art! . . . Mamma wasn't that ambitious, hers are all circles.)

And suddenly, Annie was awake from her nap and trying desperately to figure out what she was supposed to do here. : ) We kept saying, "Can you put one on, Annie? Can you put one on?" And eventually it worked.
"Uh! This green stuff comes off on my hands!"
"But it sure tastes good! . . . and so do these little red and white things!"
"Oh! I think I see now! I take this little white thing, . . ."
". . . and I put it on this cookie, . . . and . . ."
"Yay!" [Clap, clap!]
"My sister is coming over to help me do these new sprinkles."
"Those are fun too, but I really enjoy just dumping the little dishes out on my tray."
"Okay, let's see if I can do this again. I take this little red thingy, . . ."
"and I put it on the cookie, and . . ."
"Yay! I did it again!" [Clap! Clap!]
And as I ran upstairs to have an aerial view . . .
. . . Oh no! You don't eat it, Annie! You decorate it!

1 comment:

Karin said...

How cute about the sprinkles & clapping!! :)