Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Gates Go Up

Here was the view from the bottom of the stairs this morning, with Leia Rose shouting, "Mamma, Annie's at the top of the stairs!" and me coming back with "WHAT!?!" Brian thought I was watching Annie. I thought Brian was watching Annie. You get the picture. For quite a while, Annie was having fun climbing ONE stair, and coming back down. No problem. Then yesterday she was spotted trying TWO. Still, no problem. But 14 stairs? Now it's a problem. : ) As Oma said (something like), "Let's prefer not to think on what might have happened, but focus on everyone ending up safe." Enough said. Gates are going UP. [Luckily, Annie has perfected a wonderful "shimmy down" move that gives her great ease in going down the stairs during her (now supervised) stair-play. How many more safety mistakes can we make?!?


Karin said...

She looks so proud of herself though!! ;) And I really like what your mom had to say about it! That's a great outlook. :)

Shana said...

Sometimes I read in your blog and think, "man how could we experience so many of the same things so similarly. The safety thing, thank you God many times in our household. The zoo- harvest's first love maps and elephants. The exact same reaction to the howler monkeys as Leia reading this. Love you

Shana said...

Sometimes I read in your blog and think, "man how could we experience so many of the same things so similarly. The safety thing, thank you God many times in our household. The zoo- harvest's first love maps and elephants. The exact same reaction to the howler monkeys as Leia reading this. Love you