Thursday, December 27, 2007

Waiting for Oma & Papa

Perhaps you could simply focus on the adorable big sister/little sister hats in this picture? Never mind that Annie is topless (because she got into Leia's glitter glue) and as a result scratched herself with her just-a-tiny-bit-too-long nails one huge six-inch scratch on her torso. And never mind that Leia Rose was in "Little Lord Fauntleroy" mode as she was making her belly button talk (see the video), . . . and as I wrote this post I got that outfit and put it in my quilting pile. The end of that small joy, Leia. Sorry. But wearing an outfit meant for a newborn (and for Julie Ann's doll clothes, no less!) that sports your sternum and midriff just isn't conducive to appropriate household dress.

On an Annie note, though, today Annie said, "La, . . . Ma" for "I love Mamma." It was really cute. And on the brighter side of Leia note, Leia Rose said a really nice thing today right after Annie went down for a nap: "Mamma, I just adore that word: 'Annie'. . . . Mamma, what does 'adore' mean?" Ha!

Oh my, what a picture! And check out the four big colored globs of dino putty each with a fossil sticking out of it.
"I'm feeding my new pet dinosaur."
Eventually, Leia Rose shaped up clothes-wise, and it was time to wait for Oma and Papa!!! Leia Rose has been waiting for this for I don't know how long (and Oma and Papa are only staying two days), so we decided Leia should be allowed to stay up for the occasion. Luckily, we didn't have to wait too long because Oma and Papa arrived promptly at 8:30!!!
Leia Rose suddenly exploded into wild mode, here she's showing off her "arrow vests" (arabesques). : ) She also kept going for a running/rolling slide on the floor and "bonking" into Papa on purpose. I finally had to explain how that can affect Papa's balance (which he often has trouble with), to which Leia Rose replied, "but he's just so bonkable!" Leia Rose and Oma spent the rest of the evening doing dinosaur puzzles before going up to bed and to sleep by 11:30! (Yikes! That was Leia's latest night ever! And by the end, even with all of the enjoyment of Oma doing her nighttime ritual, Leia was heard saying, "My eyes are tired and my talking is tired." At 11:30? Heck yeah!)


Karin said...

Is that Whoopsie in that video????? :) :)

Anonymous said...

Can I quote Leia with "bonkable"? Great word!