Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Annie at Ten Months

Well, Annie has shifted her schedule back to normal baby time. Now it’s up at 7, nap at 10, nap at 2, sleep at 7. Although going through the month, Annie has lay awake for a half an hour or so for quite a few nights. Perhaps her bed time is changing to 7:30. The other amazing thing about this month is that Annie’s looks seemed to have changed daily. She’s losing her fat and “thinning out,” in that she’s getting longer. This is perhaps coupled with the fact that she wants to eat all foods as finger foods, herself. So she automatically eats less, I suspect. There are still not as many words these days, but I think that’s because she is focusing 100% on movement. Crawling is coming! It remains to be seen whether it will happen by the end of the month or not. We’ll see. This month it was fun to see the progression from sitting, to leaning, to leaning with only one foot tucked under, to laying on back and scooting, to getting up on her feet while in the crawling position and propelling herself that way, to getting up on her knees and flopping forward, to rocking, . . . and I bet anyone can guess what comes next! This month held lots of firsts: clapping (8/11/07), waving bye-bye (8/16/07), sitting up on her own (8/21/07), and yes, crawling (8/21/07).

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