Thursday, August 23, 2007

Foot, Faulkners, Fun, & Phone

Today marked the first time that Annie actually chose a book herself, . . . right from the bookshelf. I sat her on the floor to go and get her toothbrush and toothpaste ready (because I can't leave her on the changing table or she'll roll right off) and when I came back in, I saw her hands on a particular book. She pulled it right out and started looking at it instead of biting it, that is. Since then, Dr. Seuss's The Foot Book has been her favorite. (And it doesn't have any flaps or tabs or anything!?! Amazing!) I'm sure she feels like it's her first real choice and stab at independence. Or perhaps I'm taking it too far . . .

Today Kevin and Karin came over to play! Kevin had fun checking out Annie's baby toys, and Annie herself. : ) This is good practice for when Eric and Aria arrive from Vietnam. They should get their referral any day now!

Suddenly the dress-up box was opened and we found a picture taking opportunity called, "The Dinosaur and the Princess." : )

But Leia insisted, "I'm not a princess. I'm Maid Marian!" This is Leia Rose's Maid Marian face. (I think Maid Marian is a princess, actually.)

Then suddenly we were in the midst of two dinosaurs prowling our downstairs.

Later it was out to the playground to swing on the glider and hammock.

And there was lots of playing with musical instruments.

Cymbals on your ears, . . . silly Leia! (But she does look a bit like Princess Leia from Star Wars, don't you think?)

Aaaaaahhhh's after lunch, anyone? . . .

And, yes, this marks the first time Annie initiated a game of "Aaaaaaaaahhhh's" with anyone outside the family! Congratulations, Kevin! You had the honor! : )

I also just thought it would be fun to show how Annie throws a ball these days. We did lots of that after Kevin left. And Patty Cake was a big hit today, too. (It always is.) I'll try to video that one sometime as well.

Here's something really cute, too. While I was making dinner Kevin called to speak to Leia! Yes, the first time a boy called her on the phone!!! (I'm sure it's not the last.) Move over Colin, you've got competition! : ) Karin said that when Kevin woke up from his nap, he was all pouty because he missed Leia Rose. Why not call her? : ) While on the phone, I heard Leia say, "I love you so much too, Kevin!" So cute! How come I didn't think to snap a picture?!?

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