Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sunday Morning

Nothing says a trip to Saint Thomas More Catholic Church like a rousing little game of "Smooth" and "Rough." Allow me to explain. This all started when Leia Rose was born. Whenever she was a bit too vocal in church we would take her out to the hallway, . . . a hallway with two distinctly different touchable walls, . . . opportunity for tactile stimulation!!! So we would go over to one wall and say "smoooooooth" while taking her hand and having her feel the wall. Then we would go over to the other and say "rouuuuugh" while taking her hand and having her feel that wall. We would do this over and over, . . . and both of our children have always been intrigued. Well, today it was Annie who was a bit vocal, . . . so out we went.



And I just wanted to mention something sweet about Leia Rose after church today. Annie started fussing and Leia came over and sang a little made-up song to her. It went like this: "Dear little Annie, don't cry. Don't cry little baby. Little baby, we all love you!" So cute!

And this morning Leia Rose finished her fantastic dinosaur mobile!!!

What a strange yet fitting asset to a room full of fairies and butterflies! ; )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Ha! Cool mobile! :)