Sunday, August 26, 2007

Pretty Leia & Silly Daddy

On our way out to harvest basil, I couldn't resist this shot. : )

Daddy found a new game called, "Where's Daddy? . . . ."

". . . Here he is!" This reminded me so much of how Brian put blocks on his head to get Leia Rose to walk for the first time.

Now this was really funny to me. Leia Rose kept calling this her "camp." I asked her to tell me about it and she said, "It's where people can go if they don't have a home." I said, "So it's a homeless camp?!?" She said yes. I couldn't help laughing. In retrospect, perhaps I shouldn't have, . . . is this a compassionate person in the making? I think so! Habitat for Humanity, anyone?

Now this video definitely requires an explanation. Sometimes Daddy does really silly things. Like while Leia was cutting onions, Brian insisted on yelled, "del onion!" really loud! I just mistakenly got it on video, but I'm putting it here anyway. This is something Daddy does all the time: he likes to call it "Silly Spanish," which bothers me because I have a great respect for real Spanish, . . . but he does it anyway. Unlike the first example, "Silly Spanish" usually involves inserting "ano" at the end of every word. Like chocolate would be "chocolateano." I think he does it just to see my annoyed laugh. : )

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