Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Two Cute Leia Things . . .

This morning I told Leia Rose to go and get her bathing suit on for swimming lessons. Wondering what was keeping her, I went upstairs to find this scene! It seems that Leia Rose will take a break to read Dinosaur Do's and Dont's in any condition! : )

And last night after dinner, we did our usual family prayer time, and it marked the first time Leia Rose wanted not only to contemplate the Mystery of the Rosary for the decade we were saying (see the book sitting beside her?) but also to follow the entire ten + prayers with the beads as she said them! Before this, Leia Rose would usually play somewhere in the room after her Children's Bible reading while we read the Bible and prayed the Rosary. We just didn't want this prayer time to be filled with pressure for fear she would grow up with the negative feeling of being forced. You're supposed to want to do this, you know? So, I guess, our hopes were realized and she came to it on her own! Yay, Leia! : )

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