Friday, August 3, 2007

Stairwell Mural by April (Day 3)

The progress of the mural was dramatic today! First, April painted many of the roses while Leia was at swimming lessons.

Upon request, April also let Leia Rose paint a special rose bud on the mural.

I just thought I would take a picture of what we have deemed "Imagination Station," which is just a fancy way of saying "April's Work Area."

Next, April added shading to the roses and painted some peach tulips.

. . . Then some irises and daffodills (and I helped darken the foreground flower leaves).

And finally April did a "wash" in the background to give a "suggestion of sky." And even thought the mural is nowhere near done, oh how it has brightened up our entire upstairs!!!

1 comment:

Karin said...

Gorgeous!!! :) And so sweet that Leia got to help!