Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Stairwell Mural by April (Day 1)

April's original concept sketch revealing the plan of our beautiful Carolina mural!

From the moment Brian and I viewed this house before we bought it, we fell in love with it, . . . but we also noticed the very blank, very stark, very long, very narrow, and very boring stairwell walls. Since we moved in five years ago, the only thing we had hanging there was a little table runner we purchased from Westminster Abbey in England (a prize possession, but still it was like putting one tiny thing in a huge space). Anyway, we considered all sorts of things, like hanging a tapestry or even hanging one of those huge throw rugs, but our conclusion was always the same: tiny thing in a huge space. So as April started painting murals, a light bulb went on in my head. Eventually, Brian and I got to work on a basic concept for April to work on: a Carolina mural, with the focus on the natural flora of the state. Brian suggested the Cape Hatteras light house in the background. I suggested particular plants I wanted included, the dogwood and iris being the most important. We drew a general concept sketch for April and sent some pictures, then gave April artistic licence. And today she began! I can't tell you how excited we are!!! I'll report on her progress daily!!!

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