Wednesday, August 8, 2007

McNeil Playdate

Today we had a really fun playdate with Trevor, Logan, and Colin! After a really cool picnic lunch inside (it was record heat outside today), Annie and Leia Rose & the boys really enjoyed popping bubbles for about a half an hour to the tune of "Pop, Pop, Pop" from Gymboree (I put it on a loop; therefore, boy, did it play lots of times!).

As you can see, Annie was intrigued by the bubbles, too! Poor little child is teething so much that her whole front is absolutely soaked with drool.

We also played with lots of dinosaurs, . . . everyone's favorite. Here are Trevor and Logan belting a big dinosaur "ROAR" as I pretend to be scared with a dramatic "Aaahh!" time and time again. They loved it! : )

And every time the boys come over, we always end up mesmerized by our cool Dinosaur Adventure learning game/system. Got to get one of those for them at Christmas time. (April was mesmerized, too!)

Here are Leia Rose and Colin exploring a really fun, new website. Colin just got a new toy that's one of the "Webkinz." Basically, it's a really cute stuffed animal monkey that had a special code that, when typed in on the special internet website, opened a whole world of games and fun for your new virtual pet. The pet has his own room, his own exercises that keep him healthy, his own food that you need to purchase. You can buy him clothes and take him to fun places, . . . all on the web. (Doll clothes with no cleanup? Hooray!) You "buy" him clothes and stuff with "money" you earn doing educational/fun games. Really neat.

(Just as a little aside, Leia Rose has been mentioning almost daily that she wants to marry Colin. I thought I'd save this picture for posterity, just in case. Hee, hee.)

And Leia Rose was absolutely intrigued. And I knew what was coming, "Can I have a Webkin for my birthday?" Well, if there's one thing I saw from looking at the website, it's that a child really has to be able to read well (not just sounding out words) to be able to manipulate the site herself. When Leia can read like that, she can have one at the next gift-giving time perhaps.

. . . And here she is wanting a Webkin. Just wishing and wishing for one. Holding Curious George pretending he was one. ( . . . and who knew Webkinz like pretend Old El Paso Refried Beans?)

1 comment:

Karin said...

That's funny -- I just learned about Webkinz yesterday ;)