Thursday, August 30, 2007

Books, Bill of Health, & Ball Machine

So, Leia has been reading a book per day, but I've stopped documenting. (It was getting ridiculous.) But today was special because it was the first time she read two books in one day. It's still real work for her though, and she has been known to say, "Mom, reading really isn't fun." Hmmm, that comment means I'm not doing my job right. : ( Joy of learning, Noelle. Foster joy of learning.

We also went to visit the ENT today for Annie's follow-up to surgery, and Dr. Drake gave her a clean bill of health!!! In short, her eardrums looked perfect! Thank goodness for those little blue tubes. At the end of the appointment, I jokingly asked Dr. Drake, "Are you sure you can't make teeth come in faster, too?" Yes, that is why Annie was a bit uncomfortable today. Come to think of it, today was the grumpiest afternoon Annie has ever had. It is very definitely her teeth.

After the appointment, we took a look at the Children's Hospital ball machine. It is spectacular! And, as luck would have it, I taped a Mr. Rogers episode where Fred Rogers actually went to the factory where they are made! The ball machine is two stories tall and have so many moving parts, Annie was mesmerized!

But why talk about it when I can show you? I am SO sorry that I forgot again to keep the camera horizontal. I'm so used to turning it that way for pictures, it's hard for me to remember. So just tip your head and enjoy. : ) But at least this way you'll get to see some really cool aspects of the ball machine. And if you're ever in town, we'd be happy to take you to see it (and show you the Mr. Rogers episode, too). : )

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