Tuesday, August 21, 2007



Here's Annie finally crawling! Or, as I say on the video, "in between crawling and not crawling." She's definitely moving her knees one after the other and finally staying on her hands instead of flopping, . . . but you'll still see one or two flops and one or two legs sticking out straight. Learning is a beautiful thing! : ) And the most special thing about this video is that you can hear big sister Leia Rose cheering her on in the background! A big sister is a beautiful thing, too! : )

Then this evening, I went upstairs after blogging just to check on Brian (who was busy watching yet another Star Trek movie) and he nonchalantly said, "Oh yeah, Annie was playing before she went to sleep. . . . She was sitting up and . . . " "WHAT!?!" "I said that I looked in on her and she was sitting up, nicely playing, and then lay back down to sleep when she got done." "Why didn't you tell me?!? I didn't even get to see it!!! (Or take a picture of it, I might add.)" He didn't know why he didn't tell me. *sigh* Men. As soon as he told me, I took ran over and took a picture of the way Annie looked after she had fallen asleep after sitting up for the first time on her own. It's time to move the crib mattress down! Here's the picture:

Note the toys strewn around, "Uh-luh" the elephant is actually on the floor. Other things typical Annie: the blanket is off because of her hot-naturedness, her thumb is in her mouth, there's a small pool of drool near her face, her head is right up near the toys, and her lamby is the closest object. But when Annie settles down to sleep, she loves to hold her special "Grandma Blanket" in her right hand (between her thumb and four fingers) and suck her thumb with her left. Or at least I thought she was settling down, . . . she was actually preparing to have a little sitting-up party of her own. You cheeky-monkey, you! : )


Karin said...

Yay!!!!! :) :) But now things are gonna get exciting with little hands traveling across the room! ;) Although maybe little girl hands aren't as crazy as little boy hands?? ;) ha!

Karin said...

How cool about the sitting up!!!! :) And HA! Men!! ;)

Lauren said...

Yay! Its so cute, Annie crawling! Isabella hit a milestone today too... you shall read about it shortly... the fall off the bed milestone! dont worry she is okay but I'll post details. :o)