Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Another Book +

Here is Leia Rose with her latest book achievement: Snug Bug. This one was particularly hard for her. This is mostly because reading is still real "work," and each page (with the exception of the one I included below) has about 20 words on it. Not enough page-turning reward to keep reading, you know? I should have waited until later for this one. Now we're back to our easier set we bought from Scholastic. So there should be a book a day. Perhaps I'll stop documenting them now? Not sure.

Here is my favorite picture from Snug Bug. It really made me laugh the first time I saw it. Look at how far the tiny spit-stream goes to hit the sink! : )

This phenomenon made me so happy, I just had to share it with this picture. The cow from our hide and seek puzzle magically reappeared in the puzzle today! I had been looking for it for weeks! I had gotten another cow from another puzzle to bring down and add in the interim, . . . when low and behold, . . . presto cow! Thank you St. Anthony! : )

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