Friday, August 10, 2007


Just thought I would share something that gave Leia a laugh. You know Leia's pastime of "Kitty Show"? Well this is a "Kitty Sandwich"! : ) April found this on the internet, and Leia Rose just loved it! : )

Leia Rose has just learned how to do a fishy face! So that has become one of her new pastimes these days.

I also have to mention how Annie is enamored with Leia's Minnie Mouse necklace that we got at Disney World once upon a time. Minnie is sitting on a light pink jingle bell (which looks like it glows every time I take a picture). Annie has to be watched while playing with this, of course, . . . but she truly enjoys sucking on it . . .

. . . and shaking it, . . .

. . . grabbing it, . . . and just all around exploring it.

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