Sunday, August 19, 2007

Leia's First Date?!?

Just a little note about after Mass today (about something that is, of course, premature but nevertheless made me very happy). : ) As usual, we loved to commune with the McNeils after the service today with the typical Trevor/Logan/Leia running round the choir area, etc. What was not typical was that Colin (who's 8 now, and the most precious well-behaved eight-year-old boy I've ever seen) kept hanging around me, and I kept wondering why. We reached our cars and Colin shoed his mom (Laurie) away so that he could ask me a question. And when I bent down to hear it he said, "I was wondering if Leia Rose could watch Night at the Museum with me." He added that one of the voices from Madagascar was also part of it, wondering if Leia had seen that movie, too. (Of course, in the background was Laurie telling me I was welcome to preview it first.) : ) I told him that would be just fine, . . . "but wouldn't you like to ask Leia Rose"? He agreed and walked right up to her to tell her the whole story. I heard him say, "It's got a really cool dinosaur in it!" This made me smile even more because dinosaurs are something that Colin and Leia share an intense love for, . . . and he obviously wanted to share something dinosaur-related with her. So very cute! (Can you imagine how appalled they would be if I posted this when they were fifteen?!?) Leia was sceptical just because she's worried about being afraid, but the fear went away when I promised to preview it first. So, Colin walked away with a big smile on his face, and Laurie and I looked at each other and said, "It's like their first date!" A lot sooner than we expected, but you won't hear us complaining! : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Hmmm.... he's a little old for her! I think they'll need a chaperone. ;)