Monday, August 6, 2007

More of a Fun Monday

Just had to put this funny picture in from this morning. This is "Silly Bag Puppet." We both found that absolutely hilarious! I guess you had to be there. : )

Okay, prepare to laugh, . . . because this is the worst picture of Annie ever . . . : )

There's actually a really cute story behind this, though. Today everyone was playing, and I thought I would try and give Annie a bit of attention for a minute while she was playing with her toys. So I just got down on her level and leaned in a foot or two from her face. At the time she was biting quite intensely on her "Ka-Kai" butterfly, at which point she looked at me lovingly and held the butterfly right to my mouth as if to say, "Now it's your turn to take a bite." So I did! : ) In short: ANNIE SHARES FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! Here she is holding her "Ka-Kai" out to me for a second time. : )

Later in the day, Auntie April found some nice snuggle time with both of the girls.

And here is Leia Rose with a bed for "Sunshine" (the care bear) and "Chew-Chewbiddy" (the beaver). I thought that last one was a pretty clever name!

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