Saturday, August 4, 2007

Teething Again

Here's a tired Annie watching her interactive Lamby show in her Johnny Jump Up. Just a note about Annie today. She's definitely teething again. Last night she woke up a couple of times a bit cryey. And today when I checked inside her mouth with my finger she had four new bumps, right at that stage where they really hurt! Yikes! Our poor Annie gets lots of teeth at once! Well, I guess we were blessed that she didn't get any during her two-month ear infection episode. (I'm happy to say that she's still infection-free, and no sign of even a low-grade fever.) Anyway, another sure-fire sign was that Annie started really drooling again today. She hasn't drooled at all since she got her last tooth a few months ago. I have a really special toy that I use for Annie's teething. (I can't believe I didn't think of it with Leia.) It's a little plush dragonfly rattle with a sort of cone-shaped tail. I saturate the tail with water and then freeze it. Presto! A perfect teether! Still, she's a bit more cranky than usual, but still her happy self. : ) She definitely keeps pressing her hands to her mouth and cheeks a lot more, so I know she's in a bit of pain. I keep trying to do the pain sign (touching your two index fingers together) so that she can learn it. Tonight I gave her Tylenol and Baby Orajel, . . . but I'm definitely expecting a wake-up or two. If it's too bad, we may have to go to a later Mass tomorrow.

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